Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Bobo and Chambliss families- making a connection

For the last three years I have had matches in common for my father and other Hardy family members with the Bobo family (linking back to Tillman Bobo and his wife Beulah Yarborough), but I never could figure out the how. Dad in fact matches four siblings from this line, among several others.

This week a cousin of Dad's results showed up, and when I started looking at our in common matches, I found another surname Chambliss, and all of those Chambliss matches were in common with the Bobo. So how on earth do the two relate.

My current working theory is that Margaret Carlisle who married John Humphreys (an ancestor of Beulah Yarborough), is the daughter of Richard Carlisle and his wife, Mary Chambliss, a daughter of Henry Chambliss, and sibling to the John Chambliss Sr line that we are matching.

Of course there is an issue. All the Bobo researchers say she was born in Ireland and died there, despite the fact that her child was born in Virginia. And none of the Richard Carlisle researchers have a daughter Margaret, just other children her age.

So if that is the link it explains the connection between the two lines, but what about the Hardy connection? There are only two females, Rebecca the mother of Gardner Hardy or his wife Harriet. Rebecca lived in the same area as other Chambliss' so she makes the most sense as the first place to look, but it just as easily can be Harriet.

Though we can't triangulate (all the matches are on ancestry), we are showing multiple (at least 5) matches across descendants of different lines for Gardner Hardy, so the Chambliss lead is the most substantial one we have had come up.

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