Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Juzan Family Part 2

The eldest son of Pierre Gabriel Juzan, II, and his only legitimate child was Pierre Francis Juzan baptized September 1759. He exists in records only in four places. The first is his baptism, the second is his father's mystic will in 1802, the third is in the American State Papers, where a deed to Seth Dean to the land lately owned by his father Pierre/Peter Juzan is listed. The last place you will find Francis Juzan is as a Creek trader who owes debts to Panton and Leslie in 1804 and is trading in the Creek town of Coosada. We have no idea if Francis had a family, but there are two possible family members named on the 1832 Creek Census, Sandy Dusong in Tallissee, who Benjamin Hawkins names a father for that is not Francis, and a William Juzant or Jugant of Otisse. I have not been able to track him further.

The second son of Pierre Gabriel Juzan, II was Daniel Juzan. Mr. Toulmin, a descendant of Daniel, gives a great deal of information on Daniel which can be found here. The descendants of Daniel through his relationship with Justine use the name Jusong and still reside in the greater Mobile area. Daniel was born about 1760 and died in 1825. I have found his name among tax lists of Mobile in the territorial period. Unlike his two brothers, there is no evidence that Daniel ever worked as a trader among the indians.

The third son of Pierre Gabriel Juzan II, was Charles Juzan. Surprisingly, I have run across several Juzan family researchers who have no idea of his existence. It is surprising because like his father, there is more information about him that can be found in records. There is a great deal of confusion on the web, thanks in large part to a plethora of posts by one researcher about the military career of Charles. Most of these posts erroneously name Charles son as a participant in 1813 (he was too young) or his brother, who as I have already stated, is listed as Francis on three of the four available records. (Indicating, like I said in my last post, he went by his second name). There is also a book that claims Charles was a sort of Pirate and had treasure hidden in Juzon Lake. (discussion here). I believe that part of the tale is pure urban legend.

Charles was a trader among the Choctaw for at least 50 years. He died sometime 1838-1839 in what is now Lauderdale County, Alabama. Charles outlived all his siblings. Francis apparently had died by the Creek War, Daniel died in 1825, Marie Josephine in 1836, and Margarite/Margaret about 1815. Charles' wife at the time of his death, Phoebe tried (unsuccessfully) to get his land from the government, given from the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. Charles had two wives among the Choctaw.  The information that we have at this point does not support that these wives were concurrent, but rather successive. While his first wife, my ancestor and the mother of 8 of Charles' 11 children, Peggy is pretty much clear, the second Phoebe remains shrouded in mystery. Since my family has the strongest connection to Charles Juzan, I will discuss his family more in depth in another blog.

The eldest daughter of Pierre Gabriel Juzan, II is Marie Josephine Juzan.  Marie was born 1766 and died 1836 according to her tombstone.Marie was the second wife of Adam Hollinger, and irishman who lived opposite Nanna Hubbe Bluff north of Mobile. Based on the plat maps, we know that Pierre Juzan's land was near that of Adam Hollinger's. There area a lot of rumors and misrepresentations about Marie Josephine on the internet as well. While we can't prove who her mother is, it is more likely, as I have already discussed, that her mother is the same as Margaret Juzan's, Henriette de St. Aignet, the widow De Livoy (Livoix, Livois). My other connection to the Juzan family lies with the son of Adam and Marie Juzan Hollinger, Adam Cornelius Hollinger who married Teresa Rubine Innerarity. Teresa's mother was Mary Pyburn, a daughter of my ancestor, Jacob Pyburn, I.

Marie Josephine can not be the mother of Mary Dyer, as she is simply not old enough. Mary Dyer was also a mestizo or mixed blood Creek, and Marie was purely French. I suspect the confusion about Mary Dyer and the Hollinger stems from a statement someone has found (I haven't yet) that William Hollinger said he was Mary Dyer's half brother. Among the Creek, half brother can mean cousin, or literally a half brother. It is hard to tell, but since (I don't believe I have found one) William did not claim to be one of Mary Dyer's heirs I doubt that Mary was his mother, though since she was of child bearing age in 1789, and he was 7, it makes the most sense that that could be true.

The youngest daughter, and child of Pierre Gabriel Juzan, II, is Marguerite or Margaret Juzan. She married Jacques Lorriens, a brother of Pelagie Lorriens/Lorrians who became Pierre's second wife. Records for Margaret's estate are found in the New Orleans. I have not worked on this line at all.

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