Monday, September 30, 2013

Choctaw Missionary Schools 1820-1825

Report of the American Board of Foreign Missions, compiled from documents laid before the Board which occurred September 1831.

For a map of approximate locations here is a map I created.

Choctaw Missions ? Date 1820?
mentions the incident involving the Mccurtain children and Cole.
Tushieambbee (see below) brought a son and then a grandson to the school. (Elliot)

Mentions Elliot and Mayhew and projected stations at Sixtowns, French Camp,

75 scholars, 20 of them full bloods

John Pitchlynn donated 1000 dollars.

At French Camps (Bethel)

Choctaw Missions 1823
location about 100 miles from north, about equal east to west, and near Yalobusha about 40 miles above the yazoo.
Two things affecting the effectiveness of school. One is dread of sickness, the other thing is Cole. He had been a supporter but no complained about the children being disciplined too much and worked too hard.

Mentions Mckee Folsom had spent 4 years at Cornwall and acted as interpreter. Mentions “chief” Tushhameyabbee “about 70” Mentions Byington and Wright stayed with David Folsom and developed an alphabet.

About 100 miles east of Elliot on the Oktibeha Creek and 18 miles from Tombigbee.

Mentions death of Mrs. Kingsbury. Has 50-60 students

Formerly called French Camps. On old Natchez Trace about 60 miles south west from Mayhew and the same distance from Elliot.

24 pupils, 7 of whom are females.

About 70 miles south east of Mayhew, near Alabama state line and white settlements to the south.

about 20 miles south of Mayhew at Chief's home

Originally only 6 pupils (his children?) but more are coming soon

Mr. Juzon's
100 miles southeast of Mayhew at his home

Both he and Mushulatubbee may take 3-5 pupils into their homes supported by mission for 48 dollars each.

Mr. Juzan lives in a band called Koonshas.

Yakna Chukma (corrected spelling)

about 115 miles SW of Mayhew, 50m NW of Emmaus and 120 miles NW of Mobile.
Hoolatahommah Chief. Mckee Folsom is working as interpreter here.

Apuckshunnubbe moved, formerly lived near Elliot but now lives east of Pearl River about 100 miles South Southwest of Mayhew. He wants a school.

added that it's about 250 miles NNE of Natcheez
students have numbered 20-40

Added 18 miles from Columbus on Tombigbee
26 boys and 26 girls at school with 10 children absent

21 students but 8 were removed. All but 3 live with the mission family.

about 20 students

Mentions deceased DAUGHTER (the one who got burned as per Lucy Bohannon?) of the Chief. The funeral, child dead 40-50 days. Chief Apuckshunnubbee attended.

Apuckshunnubbe applied for a school at the plantation of a half blood named Harrison.

11 students, 4 of them the sons of Mushulatubbee. (two Riddles, and the McCann make 7 of the 11 students)

5 Full and 7 mixed Choctaws
Two of Juzon's sons 14 and 12 mentioned. School is also attended by two of Pushmataha's daughters.

Formerly Yakni Achukma
nothing about school students

30 miles from Mayhew on way to Elliot

Station near Capt. Folsoms (David?)
halfway between Mayhew and Bethany
not a school yet.

Apuckshunnubbee's residence (near) at Harrisons
10 students
Located 12 miles from Old Natchez Trace about 100 miles SW of Mayhew.

1825? (mentions death of Samuel Mosely in 1824)
20 boys and 10 girls

39 boys, average 28, 37 girls, average 24

nothing on students

as many as 22, as few as 11 with an avg of 18 students

Chief was absent last winter at Washington. Now all he is doing is drinking and school is suspended. Chief plans on moving and wants school there, also says there will be less whiskey. 13 boys have been educated here.

Mr. Hadden left. 13 children taught

12-13 students

Cole wanted a school near his residence (displeased with Elliot) Buildings were built, but Cole was in Washington and due to ill health of the missionary Dr. Pride, looks like nothing happened.

this is near Capt Folsom's 2 miles
20 students

Capt Harrisons
23 children, 2 kept froms school by parents and one sent home for behavior.

Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions 1842

“Colonel Juzon, chief of the Western District, long known as a friend and promoter of education died in May of last year” p 191

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